Monday, June 1, 2015

How ridiculous polls show that Americans don't care about sovereignty and other things

While Fast track is not expected to be brought to the floor to be voted on this week according to House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, polls shows that a majority of Americans support fast track, TPP and TTIP.

Pew Research poll shows 58 percent support free trade

Reuters poll shows 56 of Americans support free trade.

That's right 56-58 percent of Americans support:

* giving up jobs and sending them overseas for free welfare.

* poisoning our drinking water

* eating poisoned food.

* killing off our bees with GMOs

* treating the educational use of published works in universities as a criminal IP infringement.

*  Letting people die of AIDS by making drugs expensive and pulling generics off the store shelves.

*  letting little children have lung cancer by repealing our anti-smoking laws allowing minors to purchase cigarettes, even e-cigs.

*  lowering our federal minimum wage to 25 cents.per hour.

Majority of Americans support free trade for free welfare and killing humanity.

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