Even with more new patches, hackers can still exploit the software. So as Facebook Security just told Adobe to finally sunset Flash Player. They're not suggesting to kill it overnight, Adobe hasn't announced a sunset date for it. In 2011, Adobe announced to switch to HTML5 for mobiles. When Adobe announces a sunset date, game developers are going to soon adopt HTML5 before it shuts down. That means no more updates. Flash games will be in the dust, Zynga will soon have to kill off its flash games and put focus on mobile games.
Current PCs that run Windows 7 will need to upgrade to windows 10.
As for XP and Vista, HTML5 videos will work on some videos like YouTube (I did a test, worked fine on some videos but other videos require hardware upgrade, that is buying a new laptop or tablet). But with flash being ditched, the ball in Mozilla's court will decide the fate of its support for XP and Vista for it future versions of Firefox including its project Shumway that converts Flash animation to HTML5, which really needs to push forward pulling it out of its nighttime testing and putting it into the next version and thus like I said Mozilla will soon announce that its next version and other future versions will stop supporting XP and Vista, and supports version 7, 8.1 and the upcoming version 10 within a couple of weeks.
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