Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dangers of Abolishing the filibuster

The US Senate is voting on changing or abolishing the filibuster.The dangers are if they vote for to change or abolish the filibuster, it will suppress not only the senate minority but the American public as well. For example, The Senate attempts to revive and pass PIPA and Commercial Felony Streaming Act (CFSA) or pass any other bills secretly without making a bill available to the public or without the Senate Minority complaining. If the GOP took control of the Senate, the Dems can't do anything because the filibuster they abolished was a mistake they made. They can't do anything except the President to stop a bill that would cut medical entitlements or try to get the Senate majority to pass a tax cut for the middle class.

In order to repeal the filibuster, 60 votes are to pass and there's no other way the Dems could convice the GOP to repeal it., If the Dems get their way, we're going to see civil unrest.


The filibusters can be bad for the Senate but good for the American public.

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