Friday, November 30, 2012

Noda considers on joining TPP silencing the people of Japan

Japanese Prime Minister Noda is considering on joining TPP silencing the people of Japan. This will affect Japanese culture and send jobs overseas, farmers will be affected by this trade agreement.

As this said in the Wikipedia article:

Those groups and other critics of the investment protection regime argue that traditional investment treaty standards are incompatible with environmental law, human rights protection, and public welfare regulation, meaning that TPP will be used to force states to lower standards for e.g. environmental and workers protection - or be sued for damages. As a worst case scenario, investor-state arbitration gives transnational corporations powers to trump the sovereign powers of nations and states and hold back policy developments such as those relating to sustainability and clean energy.

Again, complaining about a unsafe defective products will expose a consumer in a TPP international tribunal.

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