Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Next Round of TPP in New Zealand

The 14th round of TPP will be taking place at Auckland, New Zealand on December 3-12.

Currently all negotiators have returned to their countries due to the 2012 Elections going on here in the US. It is unknown whether the Obama Administration will nominate a new trade representative since Obama will win.

As for the ACTA treaty, Canada and the EU have been trying to ratify ACTA through a backdoor treaty called CETA (Canada-EU Trade Agreement) as the EU parliament have rejected ACTA. CETA would be the only treaty to ratify and enforce ACTA. This will make 3 of the 6 ACTA signatories to ratify the treaty. But Canadian protesters are fighting against CETA because the agreement will ratify ACTA.

In order for a treaty to be ratified, a nation's parliament including the US Senate has to introduce a bill or an amendment to ratify a treaty. For the US Senate, 2/3 of the majority is required while depending on the other countries parliaments, it would have to be unanimous.

So all you New Zealanders, this maybe your last chance to fight because all the indigenous peoples will be forced out of their lands by foreign corporations.

TPP is a international Human Rights violation, and foreign national corporations could do away international human rights forcing the consumers against his/her own will to buy their unsafe products even if they don't have money.

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