Sunday, April 15, 2012

Anime News Network has bit the dust because of their hosting service Cloudflare

If you go to ANN, and you see a this message:

Website is currently unavailable

This website is currently unavailable. Please try again at a later time. 

This means that Cloudflare, ANN's hosting service has suspended their hosting account due to:

1. Overdue bills.

2. Financial issues.

3. Cloudflame may have receive DMCA complaints from Anime media companies and Japanese broadcasters for either linking to a infringing website,  or posting a copyrighted article without their permission.

So apparently ANN may have bit the dust. You will no longer read the latest of your favorite comic Anime News Nina. No updates on Anime companies, conventions, etc.

The only alternative is Anime Vice or Gaijinside.

Unless ANN is back online, there's no news that this has been confirmed that ANN is gone.

Update: Corrected name of the hosting company.

Update: ANN back online. This means they must gone under maintenance or paid off the overdue bill for their hosting account. 

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