Monday, October 28, 2019

I need to see a dentist

I need to see a dentist, but Medicare and Medicaid doesn't cover it.


Last night,  there was something stuck in my teeth. I thought it was as popcorn kernel. So I got a toothpick and tried to pick it out and turns out to be a piece of one of my incisors. I tried to attach it back but then this morning when I go brush my teeth, the piece came off.

Now my health is in serious danger. I need to get it repaired or I could die from a serious infection. The incisor you see in this picture is exposed and bleeding.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Fan Art or Fan Fiction can cost you $30,000 under the CASE Act

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is warning that the Copyright Alternative to Small Claims Extension (CASE) Act,  introduced in the House and has a companion bill passed in the Senate Judiciary Committee, that would kill free speech, fair use, and due process. This bill creates a tribunal in copyright office called the Copyright Claims Board. This bill will empower copyright trolls and Big Media to financially ruin you and your family. Doodling Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, or Goku can cost you up to $30,000 in damages.

Please contact your Respresentative and Senator to Vote NO on the CASE Act.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

CNN, NYT: Men are to blame for the KyoAni Arson

Mainstream media has gone full bias on the incident and who is to blame? MEN!!!

Even in the comments section of the article are saying men are responsible for everything including wildfires, earthquakes, tropical cyclones. When will this political bias stop? NEVER.

In other good news, a public park will be built over the studio.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Sunday, April 28, 2019

RIP Rise of Mythos

With Adobe coming to a closeand because Facebook had stopped Gamefuse from receiving payments from players, Gamefuse has announced they will be closing down Rise of Mythos on May 27. As a player on the game it was fun. Please check their Facebook page for more details.