Thursday, February 11, 2016

No Prime Minister Abe you're not a champion of free speech

I am disgusted how Prime Minister Shinzo Abe acts  the media of television, radio, newspaper and the teachers who oppose his policies. And it's not the failed Three Arrow Abenomics, it's Japanese revisionism.

This so called political neutrality in this case Japan they tell people they must agree that the Emperor of Japan is a god, that Unit 731 doesn't exist, denying that Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Malaysian, and Australian women were forced into sex slavery, and the Tokyo War Crimes trial was unjustified.

Even if they get their way, they're no match against China because the Japanese population is declining to extinction.

If the next president, it will likely be Hillary Clinton, I hope she will deal with them and defend the comfort women. General Douglas MacArthur made a mistake pitying the Emperor.

Monday, February 8, 2016

That is the end for Zynga

Zynga is winding down to a close and it will likely be shutting down by the middle to the end of this week. As currently zynga's stock went down by over 50 cents. The reason is a previous Adobe flash is dead as HTML5 gets more favorable and soon by 2018 time to upgrade to Windows 10 because Firefox may soon ditch XP although its' WebM video coding H.264 will still be around sometime as H.265 becomes the standard for web streaming video.

The internet is becoming more of a luxury than free. And online gaming could soon be dead.

Online shopping has little to do to shut down mom and pop. The demands of minimum wage by middle class workers and the rise of automated robots and drones

Is America becoming like Wall-E? Close but we're not yet there.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Adobe plans to kill Flash meaning it's time to ditch XP and vista

Adobe is admitting that flash is dying and it's embracing HTML5 as it drops it from it's product Adobe Connect, a web conference software similar to GoToMeeting. Even more games have go HTML5 or use Unity web player for gaming.

If you're running Firefox on XP, please note that only YouTube supports WebM, and it's limited to only up to 480i.

So it's time to ditch XP now and move on.

Update: It's predicted that Flash will be discontinued in 2018,  although Adobe hasn't announced a set date to sunset its product. You have until then to ditch XP and Vista, if you want to enjoy the wonders of HTML5.